What’s to Come
What’s to Come
Welcome to the Gayly Post, your go-to blog destination for ALL things The Gayly Dose. Here at the Gayly Post, not only will you be able to deep dive into our episodes and why we do them, but you will also get a larger scope on who we are as a collective. Who we are is complex and it is nearly impossible to get all of that by listening to a single episode.
After each episode goes live, we will post here so you will be able to read between lines, get definitions for some of the crazy words and phrases we use, and even get resources to explore these topics more deeply.
More than anything, we want the Gayly Post to be a personal connection to our Dolls! Think of it like a card from a friend. You may talk on the phone often, but something about that letter brings warmth to your life and shows how much they care about you. We truly care about anyone and everyone who listens to our podcast, and we genuinely hope you double-click into our mission.
Stay tuned for our launch on November 17th!